Channel Surfing


  • Art

    Channel Surfing

    Back at it~
    Illa than illmatic~
    God's favorite, I knew it was a chick, in with the madness~
    Solemn lines that scare me~
    Unable to face the crowd,beaten across the brow~
    You will never understand ~
    Beware of the hidden hand~
    It's a cold world ~
    Every body looking to shuck the oyster with the pearl~
    It's Empty~
    Concrete beats ease the savage beast within me~
    Smoke rises from the chimney,invades the hearts and minds of many~
    Too serious,No time to parlay~
    Bullshit clogg your arteries like Parkay~
    He used to be the man in his Hay day~
    Now we laugh like"there go Ray-Ray" doing the dope phen dance ~
    Up top Down South its all the same~
    bricks meet clay just enhance the game~
    All the players are lame ~
    You can be whoever you want to be~
    Sow your royal oats and get fly like me~
    Weather man said it was going to pour~
    So I move like Neyo between raindrops to even the score~
    Matrix Unloaded ,unplugged ,undone~
    It nothing new under the sun~

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    TheLastPoet commented on Channel Surfing


    you are a true lyricist

    WordSlinger commented on Channel Surfing


    I like these lines, Weather man said it was going to pour~ So I move like Neyo between raindrops to even the score I agve this an (8)

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    TeenaMontana’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hypnotic 2
    Channel Surfing 2
    Dream Weaver 3
    Letter to My HomeGirls 2
    Silent Intellectual 5
    Welcome Home 5
    The beast is my world 4