Cancan's daughter's first draft


Cancan's daughter's first draft

Just thinkin back on all the times we spent when we were young, when you were 2 and I was 5 and we were having fun

E'en then sometimes I get so mad when you would pass me by, For e'en as kids you were the first to learn to ride a bike

So as we grew up in our years young women to become, I wanted to be the first to wed and bear daughter or son

So many years have passed us by so much time we have lost, And all my goals I rushed to find, and love but with a cost

I see the way he looks at you and how you look at Dan, And somehow deep inside of me I know I've lost again.

Cause life is not a race of time or goals yet to be met, Life is all you've left behind and never will forget

And this upon you wedding day I wish you most of all, May both of you endure the race with vitories great and small

And if you stop to think of me and of my happiness, Remember my heart lies with you and I would wish you bliss

Never forget the lessons that we've both together learned, The scrapes and scars and all the tears the heartaches and the burns

Don't let the past preclude the joy that you have yet to meet, Someday you'll be a mom like me, with pattering little feet

Dan wherever you are take care and now be sure to hear, Watch over my sister with all of your heart or have my wrath to fear

And love her till the day you die, like I know she'll love you, And if you both e'er stand in need we all will pull you through.

Now to you both a beautiful wedding, a life of happiness, Your old lifes now you will be shedding for one new full of love and zest!

BY poet4zion and cowboyup1824

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AmadeusEx commented on Cancan's daughter's first draft


i enjoyed this piece, the storylike cadence of it, and even though you apparently are a man, you seem to have a woman trapped inside...that must be very confusing for you at times;0 lol...

PoetWithCancer commented on Cancan's daughter's first draft


I love the poem. I am a bit confused. it seems the writer of this poem would be female. Yet are you not a male? Or perhaps this was a practice poem? If so, it is sure a success! 10, 10, 10!

dumplin commented on Cancan's daughter's first draft


Oh, watch your spelling, but this was awesome! I loved it!

scarlet commented on Cancan's daughter's first draft


I love this, it is beautiful and heartfelt, you can feel the warmth and depth of emotion you put into it.

Worthless commented on Cancan's daughter's first draft


That is pretty good! Did you say you wrote it for a friend with another friend? I think people take wedding vows as a joke these days? Not saying they did but most do and it's sickening to me....

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

poet4zion’s Poems (1)

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Cancan's daughter's first draft 6