Busy Bees


Poem Commentary

It is what it is... And that is an experimental piece, seeking similarities between people on an interstate and bees.

Busy Bees

I live by the highway
Just a hop away
I hear the many cars
All day long, I do
Buzzing on their way
With people in them
On their own paths
To something to do
Or a place to be at
And I realized today
These cars are like bees
From many hives
Busily buzzing around
Heading to work
Going to their schools
Or for the lucky ones
Merely going home
They all go out
Sometimes briefly
Or for a long while
Seeking something
Finding their pollen
And occasionally visiting
Another group of bees
Sometimes, a sting
Many little stings
Crashes and bumps
Road raged rednecks
Or tired mothers
Sometimes stinging
Killed by others
Who became obstacles
Sometimes they dance
Whirling about the air
Driving in circles
Showing off for friends
In an odd bee way
They all go out
From their many hives
To do something
And they mostly return
Tired, worldweary
Just a bit less gas
In their dwindling tank
They all go home
To raise young
Or maybe to work
But I find my self
Thinking a thought
A question of sorts
"Who is their queen?
Do they have autonomy?"
I could never know
Nor could they
If you asked one
I know the reply
They would say
"Of course I know!
I am my own being
I make choices and act
And I make my path"
But this is obvious
I know these thoughts
A warped mind
A confused bee
This I what I think
Or more appropriately
What I sort of know
They all have one
A queen of their own
They may not see
But what do you expect
From the busy bees?

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Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

DevinMcNabb’s Poems (150)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Basement Dweller Blues 0
I Don't Like This One Bit 0
Indefinite 0
Speaker Stack 0
Starfall 1
Don't Question It 0
Gancanagh's Kiss 0
Cold 0
A Message to The Past 0
Meditation 0
An Eventual End 0
Slayer 0
Cliché 0
Casualty 0
A Bludgeoning Weapon. 0
Am I a Lover or a Puppet? 0
Selflessness Is Dead 0
Chivalry Is Dead 0
Romanticism Is Dead 0
At Rest In Peace And Beauty 0
Petrified 0
Fear of Loss 0
Fear of Rejection 0
I Ride On 0
Chimaera 0
Don't We All End Up Equal? 0
Nate 0
Happy Birthday, Brother 0
Others 0
Good Morning Love Poem 0
Truest Love 0
Snow 0
_____ My Darling 0
Nature's Grace 0
I Will Make You Mine 0
I Find In You (Something True) 0
Senses Alive 0
Needless 0
Things Left Unsaid 0
Come What May 0
Unworthy 0
Rememberance Of 0
Aspirations 0
Amante 0
Eclipse 0
Never Have I Seen You So Torn 0
Anything for You 0
Layers 0
Lust 0
The Storyteller 0
Corrupted 0
Tell Me 2
Mending A Broken Beauty 2
Burned Out 0
The Golden King 2
Frost 3
Some Rain Must Fall 1
Fear Of The Dark 1
Final Kiss 0
Busy Bees 0
Nightmare 0
Love Is... 0
Deflowerer 8
She 13
Reclaimer 1
In You 2
How Many Lies? 1
Hollow Man 1
Gone By Morning 0
Drama, Drama, Drama 0
Calm Of Night's Embrace 0
Butterflies 0
More 0
Evening Stroll 1
Death A'Callin 0
Blaze 0
Taboo 1
Untitled Sappy Love Song 0
Under Cover 0
Hold Me High 0
All My Fury 0
Buried 0
A Twisted Love 0
Desires 0
Friend 0
Innocence (Lost) 0
God Within Me 0
Burn Away 0
Fireflies 0
Vices 1
Crawler 1
Clawing 1
Cold Fingers 0
Empty Streets Of A Dead Kingdom 0
¡Venganza! 0
Wallow 1
Bane 1
White Moth 1
You Amaze Me 0
Faded Nation 1
Alone at Night 0
Trinket 0
Too Tired 0
Peaceful Day 1
Lost But Never Forgotten 4
First, Second, and Third...? 3
Hate And Anger In My Veins 2
Sunrise 1
Colors of my Life 1
Hopelessly Searching 1
Black Tomorrow 0
Plague Me, Please 0
Tower of Heaven 0
A Poem of Friendzone Misery 1
Rainy Night 1
Gentle Rain 1
Memoriam of Youth 1
Yesterday 0
Gifts Of The Elements 0
Elemental Retribution 1
But... 0
If Only... 0
Darkened Earth 1
A Prayer Of Battle 0
Horde! 0
Begging For You 0
Hello, Goodbye 1
Jokers and Demons 0
Catacombs 0
Black Hand 0
Moonshadow 0
Moon 0
Thunder 1
The Great Wolf 0
Mother 0
Lonely 0
Lost 0
Regret 0
Starlight 0
We Are As Maggots 1
Held High 0
Eternal 0
Ever Farther 0
Rise 0
Lost World 1
So Far Away 0
Works Unworthy 0
Mr. Barker, Mr. Todd 0