


I pray for a moment

i’m screaming out loud

god if YOU’RE out there

please help me now


never this low

this low before

has this life pushed me

down to the floor


i fell to the bottom

i crashed right on through

throw me a lifeline

show me some truth


show me some sunlight

give me some hope

don’t let me die here

throw me a rope


give me a chance

to prove it all wrong

give me the strength

to stand and walk on

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Tempestlady commented on Bottom


Been there, called and got an answer. Not always the answer i wanted, but always later found out why. I would like to read a poem about what got you there in the first place. A wonder piece of work and very inspirational. Write on.....and remember, sometimes unanswered prayers and one of God's greatest gifts. ....................................Tlady

ahardwalk commented on Bottom


I'm hoping you found your strength cause hitting rock bottom can take its toll on anyone beautiful write!

Teardrops commented on Bottom


Your strength i s your writings they are wonderful , from the heart and great . This is a winner in any contest Marie

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Beaker’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Story 1
Darkest 0
Mirrors 0
Listen 1
Greener 0
Weep 2
Nightmares 1
Faith 0
Bottom 3
Not the one 2
Wish 3