Bible Story


Poem Commentary

To those who were nice enough to read and submit comment on this poem originally, thank you and I apoligize that I lost the nice comments when removing the pic.

For this poem, I had used an older version of the New American Standard Bible.  Poem inspired from the book of Mark, chapters 1-3.

Bible Story

A story of significance so great it was foretold

A man would clear the path for an even greater man that followed

John baptized Jesus in the Jordan before they departed separate ways

Jesus choose his disciples, starting with some fisherman

"Follow me and I will make you to become fishers of men."


For each one He healed or sins He forgave

Accusations started flowing; who is He to forgive ones sins?

Both copyist and Pharisees accused Him of blasphemy

In the case of one man He healed, He responded accordingly

"Which is easier to say to a paralytic, "Your sins are forgiven” or to say “Arise, take up your pallet and walk”.


Both councils were together in their complaint of His companions

Sinners and tax gathers?  Why don't they fast, these men?

The disciples of John were so much different, better fit than these

There was always a reason for all that He did; He knew exactly how to explain

"It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick."


Everywhere He journeyed the story didn't change

His healing and good deeds delivered a plot of destruction against Him

His persecutors determined, He was casting out demons by the ruler of the demons

Speaking in parables, He proved one divided cannot stand, and made sense once again

“How can Satan cast out Satan?” 


Many wanted to see when they heard who He was, what He did, and miracles performed

People afflicted just wanted to touch as that was enough and the healing began

He chose for Himself disciples that He would send out to preach

He accepted those who did Gods will as His own family

"For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother."


© Jr2009

Poem Comments


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sogwap commented on Bible Story


Well, It was not much in the cataory of a poem, but it did tell something about God's only begotten son. I enjoyed it very much. The gospels tell us of the life of Jesus Christ while he was here on earth from birth to asencion. The Epistles tell of what he does in us after we are born again. It is Christ in us the hope of glory. That is what came on the day of Pentecost, they recieved Gods gift and they manifested proof of that reception by speaking in tongues. Our only proof that God gave that we have recieved the gift after we do Rom. 10: 9,10 Perfect prayer it is. Darrell sogwap

jickyjack commented on Bible Story


Sharing this poem is an act of faith and devotion. It is well crafted, but also it does a great job of providing a witness. Thanks for sharing it.



Thank you, jickyjack! I appreciate you reading and taking the time to comment on this poem. I think the first three chapters of Mark speak volumes on forgiveness and it's benifits.

earthly commented on Bible Story


I loved reading this synopsis of the greatest story ever told-I believe...Earthly



Thank you, earthly! I like your comment!

mangeoart commented on Bible Story


Jesus is in us all. You show many of us here, what true devotion is really like.



Thank you, mangeoart, for reading and commenting!

stellar commented on Bible Story


I like this...If The Lord of the Rings are binded by the one ring we Christians are bind by one God,,,makes us a family amidst our diversity...makes us closer to each other...thanks for sharing...:)



Thank you, stellar, for your beautiful comment!

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Charlie23’s Poems (2)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Bible Story 16
Disorder 12