Be Strong


Poem Commentary

Several years ago, I wrote this poem for a dear friend of mine, who lost her mother. Sometimes I now give a copy to others when they loose a loved one, in hope that it will uplift their spirit.

Be Strong

Right now it probably feels like,

Your heartache will never leave;

Just keep on trusting in the Lord,

Eventually, the pain will ease.


It may seem to take forever,

But try to be patient and strong;

Ask God to give you sufficient strength,

In order for you to carry on.

He will never leave you alone,

He is right there by your side;

Throughout your time of sorrow,

God will definitely be your guide.


And God will never leave you “empty,”

When He calls a loved one home;

He leaves you “full” of precious memories,

So within your heart, your loved one lives on.

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FlowerGirl commented on Be Strong


Hi Clementine Woods Hope All Is Going Well For You I Really Enjoyed Reading this Write. Very Heart Felt. I Especially Liked The End About Passed On Loved Ones, How They Will Always Live On In Our Memories And Hearts. Perhaps, You Will Enjoy Reading A Poem I Posted Called " Thank You Lord '' May You Continue To Be Blessed And Be A Blessing!!! Flower Girl,

aliciagall commented on Be Strong


True True True... I questioned death for a long time but that is one of those things that we will not get away from because eventually everyone will have there time. God does what he do and faith, trust and belief should be enough to understand that he has a plan.



Thanks for your visit and comments and be blessed!!!

lsabeth commented on Be Strong


WONDERFUL! terrific rhythmn and rhymn. And the final line touched my heart as well. I too am a christian. And you should defintely read mrgee poem entitled Set Me Free it a terrific testimony.



Thank you Isabeth for you visit, comments and rating. I will check out the poem you recommended. Be Blessed, Clementine!!!

ccslim commented on Be Strong


LOL the scripture of the day I read this Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home. Luke 16:9 (NLT) Haha The true loves and true friends are waiting and Oh my the ones we will one day greet! Sweet write in consolation and flows good.



Thanks Slim for your comments. The lesson from the scripture of the day fitted right in with my poem. We all need to continue doing what we can to help others. We shouldn’t be selfish. We need to extend a helping hand to our fellowman. Be blessed!!!

tierra7 commented on Be Strong


SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! Oh My....sweetie this was a real heart took my breath i read it i visualized myself as a child and God holdin' my hand , because he knew how lost i felt..and yet he knew how much of the grief i did not allow to follow through..God instantaneously became my husband...he allowed me time.he knew i was weak, but i became strong...he knew i had to be presentable for my children tryin' to protect them from those that would tell them to be strong for their mom..i would not allow them to have their childhood away..although they did grow up to fast....but yes our memories live in our hearts forever....thank you for a lovely inspiin' read....God Blessssss You Sweetie!!! .Love, Tierra



Jesus loves us and He will be there for us, as we go through life and the things life has to offer (whether the things are good or not so good). Be forever blessed, Clementine!!!

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

Clementinewoods’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I Just LOVE This MAN! 41
Be Strong 26
Plant Your Seeds 18
We Need God 10
Up The King's Highway 7
An Eternity Of Happiness 6
Jesus My All 20