An Eternity Of Happiness


  • Religion

    An Eternity Of Happiness

    Everyday Lord,

    You know that I’m striving,

    To make it another step closer,

    So when I come to my journey’s end,

    I’ll be ready to cross on over,

    To that land of everlasting living,

    Where my soul will be at rest,

    No more pain, sorrow or suffering,

    Just an Eternity of Happiness.


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    Chaos128 commented on An Eternity Of Happiness


    The fact that you take great care in your compositions as well as great joy unites to make them really special. You've truly got a gift, and you truly use it well!



    Thank you very much Chaos for your wonderful comments. When I make myself available for God’s use, blessings for others and me are always the end result. Be blessed!!!

    cmlestrade commented on An Eternity Of Happiness


    A beautiful poem that reminds us all what the journey is about, another one for my wall of framed poetry. I hope you are displaying your works because they are more than poems they remind us of where we should be.



    I’m very glad you enjoyed reading “An Eternity Of Happiness” and also honored that it is one of your wall of framed poems. God be the glory for the positive message it sends to the readers. Be forever blessed, Clementine!!!

    aliciagall commented on An Eternity Of Happiness


    Your poem reads like a prayer. I like the introduction. I think that it was strong and I could relate right away.



    Alicia, I'm glad you liked this piece. God be the glory! This poem is really part of a song that I wrote and allowed a local gospel group to record professionally. I appreciate your visit and comments. God bless!!!

    Jedi4Jesus commented on An Eternity Of Happiness


    Clementine, Very poignant and true for me. it really hits home. This is similar to my last rhyme scheme in my poem "Grief". Thank you for the inspiration to always hold on to my faith.



    I'm well pleased that my poem was touching and yet inspiring. It has served its purpose and I give God all the Glory, Honor and Praise!!! Thanks for your visit and comments and be blessed!!!

    optimistic commented on An Eternity Of Happiness


    I can't wait until this day comes will we all see this day I wonder I'm not for sure but I pray I am taking steps while eace one is hard good poem.



    Since we don't know the day, or the hour of when the end will come, we must get prepared and stay prepared for that day. We are all but mere human, subject to error, but I thank God for His mighty love, grace, and mercy which sustains us. We can only continue to shoot for the mark, hoping to hit the target. When we fall short, we should ask for, and then thank God, for His forgiveness. Thank you for reading, rating, and commenting on my poem. Be blessed!!!

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    Clementinewoods’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I Just LOVE This MAN! 41
    Be Strong 26
    Plant Your Seeds 18
    We Need God 10
    Up The King's Highway 7
    An Eternity Of Happiness 6
    Jesus My All 20