  • Health


    Stop eating a certain type of food is similar in
    Stopping to do leisure time running things for your self and to others
    Complicatedness of attending school is equals to wearing braces
    Both produced stopping to do a number of things

    People around would understand what we’re doing,
    They know very well how tough it is for a person to do
    Doing both of those will have a pleasure outcome that will be enjoyed throughout life
    Consequences will pay off at the end

    Untwisted teeth feel so good
    Would not feel awkward when we smile
    To graduate will earn us a respectable outlook
    People will be impressed at how we look at life

    We will not follow our parent’s footprints
    Do not want our kids to loose interest in school; they will go along our footsteps too
    They will think that we hope for them to finish and take care of us when they succeed
    We should be their role models in life and others

    We should make them proud of what we accomplished
    Slowly they will realize our hardships to get to where we’re at as they mature
    Just as we teach them how to produce assets, will give us full of pride
    Same as what we made them see while they’re growing up

    Do not forget what God promised us
    Not to worry as he will give us strength and guide us in life.
    Remember that we choose our paths
    Think your decisions wisely and carefully, be strong and brave

    Asked you not to loose hope
    There are several angels around
    Will support, guide and help
    Be ready to acknowledge their thought

    Asked you to be courageous
    You can do it
    Seek help to our Father
    He will not turn his back away when we asked

    Go and ask Him, He’s waiting for you…

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.