At The Hands Of Time


  • kinstinct
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At The Hands Of Time

Why don't we pray
for better days
when conscious can
convince us to stay
Love comes once
in a lifetime
Why take it away
at a drop of a dime
Lets drink wine
for loving times
We break up
to make up
to know were
we stand and stay
it be our
finest time
to talk out
our differences
that is in dismay
we most sacrifice
to build a better future
in ones shoo-ray
for better days ahead
Why not have counsel
to keep our hearts, love
and family near
its know need
to live in fear
my love is here
to cheer
we need to bring
us all together
convince our family
we are the ones
not the other
for each other
for years to come
We can make it
if we try
don't give up
no lie
this the year
of The Messiah
to uplift our lives
we must strive
to have a better life
as a family
as a whole
don't let it
to continue to boil
no more
or it sure will
hurt and be sore
and out the door
I want and need
you for everything and more
as a wife, friend and family
for all, the rest of our lives
no trouble, no pain, no shame
love, happiness, glory
to claim
lets bring change
At The Hands Of Time
Sure enough
we were right
for life
my wife
let glory to God be our foundation and fame

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

kinstinct’s Poems (29)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Apple From A Tree 0
My Pen & Me 1
Loving Leaving and Learning 0
Loving Leaving and Learning 0
Be Still 1
Tell Me 0
Life on the inside-Life of an incarcerated criminal 0
What a day, I am so alone 1
A missing and lost Father too 0
American Dream 0
Dealing with a snake in your own back yard 1
Trick or Treat 0
At The Hands Of Time 0
I Do As One 0
Apologize 1
No Way 0
Stop 2
Staying Alone 0
Slave Day 0
I am tired of being a secret 0
On The Rock 0
Hell in the Cell 0
Forever and a Day 0
Finders Keepers 0
Chain-Link Fence 1
Changes 0
Facing Death with them So-Call Friends 1
Lock'em up and throw away the Key 0
A Man Just Like Me 1