Angel Boi


  • Love

    Angel Boi

    His dark wings and mysterious smile

    Came back down to earth for a little while

    Seeking only excitement...


    Never did he indtend to stay,

    He felt a piercing shock of light from his eyes

    when he witnessed such raw beauty, to his suprise...

    Her wings, Like his,

    Tattered and torn

    2 souls lost for so long, now finding their home

    Together they soared through all of loves unknown.

    He took her wounded heart into his,

    She gave him back a life that he'd been longing ages to live.

    So many nights they spent cold and confused,

    They now had each other to heal the bruise.

    But circumstances painful,

    She could never stay through the nights

    Her love gave him hope that they would be together in the end of this fight.

    At last the moment finally comes, they see

    To have each other, To keep each other,
    To love for eternity...

    One night real late she spoke of all her fears,

    For he hadn't realised the reasons before, behind all of her tears...

    She is so confused...Quickly becoming so numb...

    She longs for a life she left...What has she done!?

    She's pulled her grace gently away...

    And knows not where to be....

    He only wants what her heart truly feels

    To see her happy, even with pain at his own heels.

    "I am your guide, as you were my light...

    But if you see fit we can end this love's fight.

    I'll return you to the life you once knew

    If you promise me that in your heart it is true...

    I cannot fight what i cannot see,

    But take with you this part of me...."

    He hands her his soul....

    The Angel Boi is now free....As she becomes whole.

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    nikkishaniqwa commented on Angel Boi



    tinygirl commented on Angel Boi


    i loved your poem it was very heart warming i would love it if you could maybee write me a poem tinygirl. i would love that

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    LoganJosef’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Colored passionate 2
    Random scribbles at midnight 1
    Confused 3
    Naked 8
    Angel Boi 2
    Watching her slip away 3
    Momma 3
    Emptiness 2
    Solitude 1
    Set free 0
    Becoming me 1
    Tear me from me 4