

  • Alone


    I am all alone with no one to help me in this hell i call life

    I need someone to tell me that it will get better

    I need someone to help me carry on, when i cant carry on by myself

    But i have no one to do that for me

    No one truley understands what i go through day after day

    I get overwhelmed and thats when my true feelings show

    Most of the time my feelings are shut off to the rest of the world,
    I am alone in hell
    waiting and wanting  yearning for the one to help me through it all
    I think i found the one to help me
    So far nothing has happened 
    For now i am alone and scared

                                        ALONE in hell!

    Poem Comments


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    awelsh39 commented on Alone


    I would like to say this is very deep. You have alot of good emotion when writing and that is good. I would like for you to recommend some of your other poems for me to read.



    read all my poems i dont rele have a favorite to tell u the truth i rele dont think any of them are that good

    jmschwartz commented on Alone


    this reminds me of a poem i wrote when i was 17. and i remember that that is exactly how i felt, and sometimes still feel. i guess it comes with the territory of being a writer. we feel things fully, not halfway.



    rele thats kool :) and yea i guess

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    stoneddora’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    do i deserve this?? 0
    I hate my life 0
    Why? 0
    untitled 0
    LOVE 0
    Enough! 0
    Alone 2