

  • Lost Love


    Pain suffuses my body, like a dark glove, watching you walk away towards the shining light.
    The warmth of tears streaming down my flushed cheeks as I reach for you once more, every part of myself wanting so desperately for you to turn back.
    Your silhouette soon vanishes, the bright light closes and I am left there alone, in the dark.
    Sinking to the floor I bound my legs against me with my arms, wetness falling from my saddened eyes, as I cry.
    Memories of you flash in my mind, your smile, your amazing deep engaging eyes staring into mine, the touch of your hand on my face, the taste of your lips against mine.
    I shake the images of our happiness from my thoughts and wipe the tears from my face, forcing myself not to cry.
    Taking in a deep breath trying to calm myself, I hear your whispers, I hear your laughter, again your image floods into my head, and I see you saying goodbye.
    Your dark eyes change, distant and strange, you part yourself from me and I am left alone, here in tears and sadness, alone in pain and heartache, alone,…you walk ahead into the light of happiness, awaiting your life ahead, I will remain here forever….alone.

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    Chaos128 commented on Alone


    Einsamkeit ist ein Ort Wir alle haben, besuchen Sie irgendwann, aber wir haben nicht, dort zu leben. Ausgezeichnete Arbeit!

    AmadeusEx commented on Alone


    so strange, the moment when true love becomes true pain and togetherness transforms into unalterable separation...awful human emotions that never really leave, we just build our walls a little higher, and the next person we find better bring a fucking ladder...sweet and tragic poem nacolle

    kakurenbo commented on Alone


    Great poem! I really felt what you were saying. 10/10.

    KING commented on Alone


    Beautiful write you have here. I wonder if you (or the character you spoke of) took a piece of the good that you felt was leaving you and used it to give you comfort as you were alone. Your silver lining so to speak. :)

    Kaiprin commented on Alone


    How touching! Your words really described a person who is "victimized" by a broken love. Loneliness can be a difficult thing, but remaining positive counters it all day. What a beautiful poem. You have created a wonderful work. Bravo.

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    NacolleMarie’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Alone 13
    Emotional Rain 19
    all my wishes 6
    Not Today © 15
    Letting you in © 5
    Two Windows © 4