all my wishes


  • Other

    all my wishes

    I don’t know what you have done to me
    I cannot seem to leave your memory behind, let me be free.
    Walking along this sand , looking towards tomorrow.
    Asking why your footprints are still there for me to follow
    Wanting so badly for the waves to roll in
    And erase the marks you left behind, and let my new life begin.

    All my wishes
    That you will not haunt me,
    That you will forever be gone from my life, let me be
    The pain is too much to bare
    Waiting here for the waves to roll in, and erase what we used to share
    All my wishes
    I can move on and forget, all the hurt and tears.
    The suffering I endured all these years.
    All my wishes.

    I chose to say goodbye.
    I cant keep hearing you say that you will try.
    I gave up and chose to start over new
    I want to be me now, not me and you.
    Let me go, live your life too.
    So much more to life that’s there to get through.

    All my wishes
    That you will not haunt me,
    That you will forever be gone from my life, let me be
    The pain is too much to bare
    Waiting here for the waves to roll in, and erase what we used to share
    All my wishes
    I can move on and forget, all the hurt and tears.
    The suffering I endured all these years.
    All my wishes.

    The water washes away what you left behind.
    I am finally free, all that is you, has left my mind.
    I walk along this sand, looking towards tomorrow.
    All my wishes.

    Poem Comments


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    redbloodink commented on all my wishes


    great flow.... I understand this.... I had to do the same..... red

    connsk8 commented on all my wishes


    I don't know if you write songs but I can picture this to music, what a beautiful sad story you tell in such a way that is bittersweet poetry, excellent job, the first time I have read your work and I thoroughly enjoyed it, what an amazing piece of art from such a young person, beautifully done, I am quite impressed!!!

    Realistic commented on all my wishes


    well done! very good read,easy to relate to

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    NacolleMarie’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Alone 13
    Emotional Rain 19
    all my wishes 6
    Not Today © 15
    Letting you in © 5
    Two Windows © 4