Adjourning Destinies


  • Devotion

    Adjourning Destinies

    As I sit here and often wonder;
    How this wonderful and awesome world would put us under.

    Adjoining destinies that seem so vaguely different;
    Have characters which are an exact resembling imprint.

    Changing times with the economy all so bad we fall,
    with life running wild with us racing into obstacles so tall.

    Adjoining destinies of a young man on a ship sailing;
    Waves of water soaring around the ship, he's free and yelling.

    Although, there is a barricade all around him;
    The wind whispers gently here and now stands freedom.

    Adjoining destinies of relative as a lamp stand with a shade;
    Behold the light of glory that gives off what her body forebodes.

    In this lamp stand, life has been forever sustained;
    Light bursting with energy forcing the body proclaims.

    Adjoining destinies have been grouped divined to intertwine;
    Never again to be locked away and thrown aside.

    Light burning eternally cause of Pre-ordained destinies began;
    Those journeys are everlasting to everlasting continuing to the end.

    Adjoining destinies filled with laughter brings joyful tears;
    Of fulfilling of silence took up in days, months, and years.

    By Debra F. Edwards

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    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    dfedwards39’s Poems (2)

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