Abba Papa Daddy Father was there


Poem Commentary

Reflection on my life and proof that GOD was there for me his son is now and ever shall be no until eternity!

Abba Papa Daddy Father was there

Abba (Papa, Daddy, Father) was there!

Father help, I can't take this pain. . .

Hence why I'm standing in the pouring rain!

They say to fear you, but daddy dear I love too much to do that!

Abba, I wish they could see the God that I call Dad!

I recall a time when I was in great pain,

I would stand for hours on end in the rain,

Thunder clashing and lightning flashing all around,

I was standing underneath power lines than ran over head,

And in-between trees knowing that if either would fall I surly be dead.

But you were there beside me as I cried out in pain,

You were there beside me even through the pouring rain!

Loving me, watch me and protecting me even then!

You are my Father and my best friend!

The pain is still here it’s clear to see, but there is one thing that has changed quite drastically it is plain to see . . .  

The method has changed in the way I call out, but this is the same there is no doubt,

You are still there for me!

Daddy I love you and I thank you to!



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am2anangel commented on Abba Papa Daddy Father was there


Another great write. expressing your faith. To be nit picky and to help you create a stronger piece. I'll draw your attention to two typos so you can correct them. The first pouring rain you put poring. but you got the spelling right the second time you typed it. in the lat stanza it's quite rather than quit. Again not trying to be critical. Just helping you to make this piece stronger. well done. -Tonya



Thankyou for the comment and heighting my awareness on these errors, however the errors can not be corrected untill after the poem goes through the contest!

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

USAPoet2010’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Lost Love 2
You Never Knew 1
New Baptism Praised Hymn 3
Dear Best Freind My Apologies. 1
September 11, 2001; My story the dedcade edition! 1
Abba Papa Daddy Father was there 2
The Calling 1
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Time Has Past since....... 1
For Get Thee Not! 2
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