A Weary Soul


A Weary Soul


How do you rest a weary soul when life is cold and binding?

What comfort can you offer it to dry the tears it's crying?

How can you make it realize the blessing it's been given-

To laugh and cry, to sing and shout, and run among the living?

What words of faith could you employ to bring to light the goodness

When all it sees surrounding it is callousness and rudeness?

To say "hold on", to say "be strong" is simply not enough.

It will reply, " I can't, I've tried- this life is just too tough!"

And so you pray all through the day, as well into the night;

And when it does, it will rejoice with praise and much thanksgiving

That God has blessed it with the gift of life among the living!

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/realpepperproductions/blog#ixzz0zurB927l

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Pepper1’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Miracle That Is 2
New Year, New Life 0
The Gift 0
untitled 0
What Mother Means To Me 0
A Tribute To Dad 0
An Injured Heart 0
My Morning Prayer 0
A Weary Soul 0
Imagination 0

Pepper1’s Friends (1)