A Tribute To Dad


  • Family

    A Tribute To Dad


    For all your years of toil and sweat, for guidance you have shown;

    For sticking with us through the storms, providing us a home.

    For encouraging us, understanding us, and supplying our every need,

    For lending a shoulder to cry on, for helping us through our pain,

    For teaching us that as we rejoice in sunshine, we must also endure the rain.

    For instilling a sense of honesty, self-respect and pride,

    For loving us no matter what, and being our friend and guide.

    No better father could God have made, He blessed us with the best;

    For this precious gift from God withstood the toughest test!

    Read more: http://www.myspace.com/realpepperproductions/blog#ixzz0zusKaTjB

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Miracle That Is 2
    New Year, New Life 0
    The Gift 0
    untitled 0
    What Mother Means To Me 0
    A Tribute To Dad 0
    An Injured Heart 0
    My Morning Prayer 0
    A Weary Soul 0
    Imagination 0

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