A Purple Night: In Honor of The Color Purple


  • Epic

    A Purple Night: In Honor of The Color Purple

    Dear God, I ask why me?
    Is this the way my life is supposed to be?
    Raped as a child, drowned in shame,
    tortured by misery, am I the one to blame?
    I didn't ask for this. So God, why me?
    my family is supposed to be my savior and the enemy.
    My daddy gave me two children, Olivia and Adam,
    I gave birth to them, but I never got to have them.
    He took them away from me, away from their mother,
    they are now resting in the arms of another.
    My children are my heart, my soul, my joy,
    my precious little girl and my little baby boy.

    Now I'm Mrs. Celie _____, Mr. _____'s brand new wife
    I just went from a bad to a worse kind of life.
    I cook, I clean, I lay in bed for him,
    he does his deed and the next day, it's starts all over again.
    If I don't do what I'm told, he'll beat me to the ground,
    I'll do right by him this time, but I'll never make a sound.
    Nettie is my sister, my only real best friend,
    she's there for me through thick and thin...forever till the end.
    But Mr._____took her away from me and now I'm all alone,
    I'm sad and my heart is broken because my sister's gone.
    I'll be with you real soon, Nettie. God will let it be,
    He knows how much I love you; He'll bring you back to me.

    I met the most beautiful lady with pure elegance,
    her name is Shug Avery...she filled me with reverance.
    She's a nightclub singer with guys falling at her feet,
    her beautiful voice flowing to every rhythmic beat.
    She showed me how to love and how to be loved,
    to me, she's heaven's angel sent from above.
    As the years flew by, I began to have a family,
    Harpo, Sofia, Shug, they all belonged to me.
    A family? Wow! I never would have guessed,
    people to love and love me....to me that's the best.
    They give me hope and a chance to dream,
    a family....my family.... that's what I need.

    Dear God, I ask why me?
    Is this how you want my life to be?
    Troubled waters and weary roads,
    history in the making and secrets untold?
    I didn't ask for this, so God, why me?
    Oh I know...because you love me.
    Troubles may come and fill me with pain,
    but with You, I'll be okay in Jesus name.


    Copyright © 1999 Antonia Stevens

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    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    PoeticJustis’s Poems (10)

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