A Gift


  • Religion

    A Gift

    This is a gift straight from the heart, I write down the words and God does his part.  You are now living a mininute at a time, keep God in your heart and let his love shine.  I know you are wondering why this has to be, but God has a reason that none of us can see.  There is a big picture and we're just a small part, while everything in it belongs
    in God's heart.  There is so much on this earth we don't understand, but
    when we're with God we will know the whole plan.  The plan God's made
    since the beginning of time, when we see all the parts God's love will shine.  Now is the time to keep God in your life, cherish every moment and look at them twice.  Since none of us know the minute or day, with
    God's love in your heart you'll cherish the way.  Give your problems to God everyday, he's waiting to help and brighten your stay.  There is
    nothing God can't do, so take his hand and he will walk you through.
    When the time comes and God wispers to you, his voice you will hear
    and you'll know that you're through.  You've completed your journey and its time to go, then you'll take God's hand he has so much to show.

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    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    barbh’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
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    A Gift 0
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