  • Love


    everytime i see the moon...
    i think of you and your beautiful smile
    when ever i see twilight...
    i see edward and your there.
    you appear in my dreams
    and oh how i wish never to wake up
    your so sweet to me
    and truthfully ive never meet a guy like you
    your so special to me
    i feel sad because of the distance but i know i have to overcome it
    because your going to be with me next year.
    and i look foward to it
    i look foward to actually being able to hold you for more than a few seconds
    when i see you
    the roses bloom, the sun is highter, the birds are singing louder.
    when i see you
    my heart beat numbs my ears.
    i am unable to speak...i become stiff. and my cheecks become red.
    i become speechless in your presence!
    i know i sound like a dork but thats what i am a dork thats in love with you!
    when i see you im filled with so much happiness
    gosh im falling hard for you. and im falling hard and fast
    and i ... I LOVE YOU

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    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    beckyramos’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My Broken Heart 1
    With my eyes Closed 1
    I see it 0
    weak and fragle 0
    my life 0
    wrong reasons 0
    YOU 0
    in the past 0
    What I Want 0
    Only if You Knew 0
    Farwell love, farewell 0