Would you know?


Would you know?


For though my soul hungers for your love

And my body thirsts for your touch

My heart cowers at the thought of you hurting me

I wonder would you forever treat me like royalty

Or would it be just a phase

For when I’m with you my thoughts become crazed

I dream of late nights and long walks

Of you looking into my eyes when we talk

I am mesmerized by your words of positive vibrations

I anticipate your penetration

But before we get there

I want to know from you

If I were to be your Queen

What would you do?

Would you protect me from tyranny?

Would you show the entire kingdom

How much love you have for me?

Or would you just love me in our quarters?

See, you have stirred up what were once very still waters

And I’m feeling your vibe

I want to go on this ride

I know we both have to clear up the debris of our past

In order for our present to become our future and last


But I have my reservations

Not judging you from your past relations

But I do not want to pay the price

Incurred by any of your runner - up queens

They could never be me

If you know what I mean

I want to start this off with our slates clean

And please, no tag -alongs

I want you to claim my empire

Since you’ve already been on a mission

To capture my desires

I want you to take me on a journey of mental ecstasy

As we sit in a garden and roll a tree

And as we share our dreams with one another

I want your finger tips to dance upon my palm

I want you tell me our future

For I am down to start digging the moats

But I need to know you are a king

And not just another jester of the courts

So again I ask, If I were to become your Queen

Would you know how to treat me?


Empress Poetry©2009


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1990lh commented on Would you know?


wow great poem love it you want to love ad give him yoour love but you cant until you know he will truthfully and honestly fulfilled all your needs and love you, great poem i shal give you a 10 for this



Thank you 1990, thank you very much for your input.

Singcanary commented on Would you know?


nicely done! I can feel the hesitation along with the desire and longing...all at once. The caution of trying to protect the heart due to past hurts and miscalculations. Do he or doesn't he love me the way I truly desire and need.



Ahh, the exact emotions I felt as I wrote this piece. Thank you.

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

EmpressPoetry’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Would you know? 2
Rock With You 0
Exercising Prayer 3