Woman 2 woman


  • cute2cee
  • Planning to post more here...always working dreams on hold

Woman 2 woman

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Woman 2 woman lets pull together.

Facing our fears, insecurities, and problems.

Not tearing each other apart, damaging each others heart.

I don’t want to tear you down

I will lift you up while you lift me up too.


Fear and self hatred makes us act the way we do

I see you enter the room

Do I look for ways to praise you?

Or do I look for your flaws?


I project my insecurities onto you because men admire your beauty

So I will tear you down, she thinks she all that!

I disrespect you because you have a permanent man by your side

A fly ride, corporate  attire and whole lot of desire.

Thinking you have yourself together more than I do

Praying you wont see the real me.

So much attitude in me decreases the queen in me

Spreading rumors, gossip and just out right lies trying to disguise my low self esteem


Sister I see you setting goals not settling for less then the best

Going to be the queen of your castle without disrespecting your king.

That because you have high self esteem or so you would like us to think.

See I know that you look at me too think the same in reverse.                               

To make your self look more together by making me look worse.

Trying to destroy my goals with words, looks and deceiving others to make them think bad of me cause your not where you want to be.

Eye rolling, finger snapping makes you look like less of a queen


I’ll help you stand my sister when you start to fall.

We can both help that young mother achieve her goals

Instead of judging the road she on when we don’t know her journey

Or the price she has paid when she ended up lost

Remember that road we chose may not be laced in gold

We paid a price too just maybe not as high

So let’s teach that young woman how to survive


Stand up my sister giving another woman room

Give her respect and maybe she’ll respect you

Show Godly love stand up for me I’ll stand up for you

Show all the other women how real women do



Remember my dreams are important

Your dreams are important too.

So dream your dreams and I’ll dream mine

Together leaving all that petty stuff behind

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Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

cute2cee’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Woman 2 woman 0
Grown woman 40 plus 2
his side 0
Her Side 0
Last Time 0