

  • Life


    Lives filled with sorrow and regret

     If only time could give us all another chance

      Mistakes undid at last

    My tears fall for you day by day

      I dare not to say that I still feel this way

     Caught in a permanent darkness
      Shall light ever be seen by these eyes again?

    I walk, within these shadows

      I see only what I am allowed to

      I know not a brightness a shine that is everlasting

     I see not the world outside of me

      I walk within these cold, dark, lonely nights

    If i were to reach out, would you be the one to pull me out

     I am stuck in this quicksand that is called life

     Tell me, why should I strive

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    dominion commented on Within


    Your Poem was a desperate breath of fresh air to a life of despair seeking to find love again what a Beautiful poem write again.

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    aysha’s Poems (15)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I see 0
    Time 0
    Within 1
    I still await for you here 2
    Stand up tall 0
    I lost you 0
    You are no longer near 1
    This must be told..... 1
    What happend 0
    I run free 1
    Our Love 0
    Love is all around 2
    How could this be? 1
    Mother/ Devil/ Who Knows???? 1
    You are my Star 1