Will you?


  • Vampire6
  • Yes I'm a lesbian :) and proud. I forgive you for being so closed minded. :)

Poem Commentary

This poem is about my best friend as well as the person i'm in love with.

Will you?

Will you let me where your hoodie?

Will you cuddle me when its cold?

Will you wrap your arms around me

never intending to let go?

Will you miss me when I'm gone?

Will you catch me when i fall?

Will you be the one i can call on

whenever somethings wrong?

I want you to know I'm yours and

i want you to be mine,

Your the one that makes me laugh and

never makes me cry,
Your always on my mind, and 
you live inside my heart, 
You give me strength to keep on living,
and keep me from falling apart. 

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combatrider commented on Will you?


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baddreams commented on Will you?


great love peom! and interesting hehehe i like the part will you catch me when i fail ^^



Thanks haha :)

boomboom56 commented on Will you?


sweet stuff and to the point. pretty loveee doveee for a vampire! keep writing with your heart young lady!



Haha thanks and I will.

bets commented on Will you?


This is a really amazing poem :) Great piece! Welcome to OP!



Thank you so much :)

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

Vampire6’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Homosexuality 4
A Million Miles 2
Will you? 4
Will she ever be happy? 4