  • spazmsg
  • is Thinking about all the good things in life.

Poem Commentary

This is the first poem that I got published. So your feedback is great. I'm putting together a book, all poems. So if interested let me know.



The fire burns,

burns deep in the skin,

unable to stop or spread.

You're causing it.

Well thanks,

so sure it would not end.

This way

never whole again,

scarred for life

just because we weren't friends.

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alphavoiceovers commented on WHY?


Its not easy for me to criticise because of poetic license... so sometimes its the authors right to say it as he or she wants. Yours is a new take and I find it interesting.

Artie commented on WHY?


Think sour milk - when the milk goes sour, toss it and get more milk. Don't put it back in the fridge and check later - it's still sour lol

ginga commented on WHY?


spaz, A very sad but often true sentiment. A universal question also...Why? Your first post is a fine and very emoting and curious choice! Keep 'em coming. ginga

cottoncandi commented on WHY?


This is very good and very truthful ..............

TREVON commented on WHY?


Put out the fire, don't be afraid, for if you never chance friendship again, you will never find passion. Trevon

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

spazmsg’s Poems (1)

Title Comments
Title Comments
WHY? 37