why ?


  • Lost Love

    why ?

    Though I run from you,still you chase me... Why? "I ask if you wish to be free, then why chase me?" But everytime you come you stare and wander, why am I am there? Stare as if though you don't care...So once more I go and you follow...Freedom is what I seek yet you haunt my soul...I fear I'll never be free of the endless sea, in which we drown...How I long to swim to shore,but you hold me once more till we sink... I scream in pain...And even now with you gone your ghost holds me still...Does mine haunt you?Does mine chase your dreams to nightmares? If so then we both are damed.But why? If we can not be then why can't we go?What holds us to nothing? Destorying both of us for nothing...Pain is my memoires of you,but I always thought they were love...Now I know the truth,so let me go...While I run please don't follow,let me be free from this endless sorrow...Hold my heart no more!!! There is no place for you anymore...Let me go to new ground so I can start once more...But still you follow.....

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