

  • U Pick




    Dose anyone see me?

    Dose anyone here me?

    I yell and yell…

    But no one comes…


    Dose that mean they don’t care?

    are dose that mean there just scared?

    Is it like when you get raped and you scream rape and they walk away?

    Are is it like when you are lost and you tell someone and they don’t help?

    Why cant it be like when you home is on fire and you scream fire and people stop what there doing just to help out?


    So what dose it take for people to hear me,

    To see me,

    And to help me?


    Do I just give up on trying to make people love me?

    Are do I keep trying those are the Questions that haunt me every day…

    But I have to remember that there is always someone there to guide me,

    Love me,

    See me,

    Help me,

    And to hear me!!!!


    ~♥~by: Katy Faucheux~♥~

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    gregster commented on Why???


    GOD CHRIST JESUS LOVES YOU........read beauty of a princess and his grace is sufficient on my list

    dakcalhoun commented on Why???


    its good..........................................

    NoLeafOfClover commented on Why???


    Katy, I feel just like you sometimes, and I do hate the world. It is unfair and unjust to go trough what you have, and no you're not alone and theres is beauty in this world. Someone is watching, and waiting for you more than you know. Like we spoke earlier you have the control dont let anyone get you down. Your friend AC

    Artie commented on Why???


    When the world around you is small, the emotions within, get very large!!!! Sometimes it can SEEM like there is no hope, but life will always change. That is one of the few things we can count on. I see you, and I hear you loud and clear. The emotion pours out of this with great strength.

    kdavidscott1 commented on Why???


    P.S. Remember to check your spelling - if you save up enough allowance money - buy my book "The Psalters Of The Field" it will be there for you to guide you in the right direction - it will keep you from the pitfalls and mistakes I made along the way - and it will give you wisdom - I only wish I would've know at your age - go to www.lulu.com/thebookcastle1 this is my website - all the material you read here were pulled from my book to give the poets here a chance to preview my work... KD

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    katyleeanne’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
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    Wake-up Call 1
    Old Ironside 1
    Why??? 6
    Is this how it ends? 4
    Is it there? 0
    He is always there 2
    Go! 0
    Rain 1