Why oh why?


  • Confusion

    Why oh why?

    Why can't I do anything right for you?
    I try, and try, and try some more,
    but nothing ever pleases you.

    Why wont you just let me go,
    I don't want to be your little puppet.
    I want to be me,
    to live my dreams,
    Why oh why,
    just let me go!

    I love you to death,
    you know I do,
    but somehow I can't live with you.
    Why oh why,
    just let me go!

    I can do good,
    you know I can.
    Why oh why,
    just give me my chance.

    Why can't I do anything right,
    Why do you just want to fight.
    living in this nightmare, day after day.
    Why oh why,
    just leave me be,
    don't make me live this misery.

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    liberalartist9 commented on Why oh why?


    GOOD JOB. This is a good way to release your frustrations. I believe your potential.

    Sheri commented on Why oh why?


    Good poem. Reminds me a lot of an Evanescense song.

    Paradice21 commented on Why oh why?


    You poems seem great again the difference between us is that most of mine are about love, sentuality, romance,inspiration and happiness yours are about glominess and sadness. They are nice for what You are representing r feeling I like this the best.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    toxicindiangirl’s Poems (15)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My Love 2
    Always but Never 3
    Goodnight & Goodbye 0
    Havin' Fun 0
    On my Way 1
    Hidden 4
    Change 1
    You 8
    Horror of the Night 5
    There is Love 3
    One split second 4
    In my Blood-Pool 5
    To my Brother 1
    Why oh why? 4
    Why 3