




Who are you behind the curtain, bushes

In the Sea never ending

Up above the high sky


Who are you playing with your kites

Blue, red, yellow

Dipped with color, bright and joyous

Disappearing in the sky of imagination….


Who are you following us up

Whenever we born

Wherever we go

Your l-o-n-g   l-o-n-g  hand

Deep deep eye

Eye? And with what else

Following us up as you like to…

What a game

Cruel and ill-fated

You blow the whistle

And the game starts….

I run, run and run

But no exit around…

I run and pretend to be escaped

Long after keeping on running and getting exhausted!!


I am neither an optimist, nor a pessimist

I am like a camel bird who wishes to have a hide out

Letting its face dipped into the sand during the violent desert storm……

And what a pity

His attempt goes in vein, needless to explain why!

WHO….Who are you behind the curtain

Allowing the game so cruel and tragic

to be continued!!!!!


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Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

ragib’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
New Year’s verse 0
Stringent Enthusiasm 0
Beyond the living world 0
What is life all about! 0
All about snow flower and a snow girl 0
Confession 1
Who??????? 0
Fighting, never-ending 0
Life is like an Orange 1
Black Music 1
Living in memories 1