When Julia Sings


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For Julia Jaidynn Rider ~ May 31, 2007-September 29, 2007 ~ my great niece. You blessed the world for a short time, but blessed our lives forever!
Love you and miss you!

When Julia Sings

Another perfect day in Heaven, the sky a beautiful blue,
And God, upon His golden throne, realized an item new.
He gestured to St. Peter. Bring forth this precious treasure.
Its beauty is amazing. I know it will bring pleasure.
St. Peter brought the item near; up close for God to see.
This indeed is very special and holds a sacred spot for me.
He held it up for all to view; a reverent hush took hold,
For in His hands, before the crowd, He held a flawless halo shiny gold.
The tiny halo beamed a brilliant light; inspiringly dazzling yet serenely soft.
It'll take a perfect infant's head to carry this priceless gift aloft.
Then God reached back within the box and drew out, in brilliant white,
A minute and precious little robe; purely innocent in His sight.
The final item in the box brought the crowd down on its knees,
And God began to smile, for He was very pleased.
He summoned His chidlren's choir. A blissful tune began with grace.
But in the middle of His chorus was a gaping empty space.
God knew the lead demanded His utmost care in choice.
His hallelujah hailing lacked the most precious, perfect voice.
He looked upon the earth where youthful innocence abounds.
He had to listen carefully for precise angelic sounds.
Some parents may mistake it for a typical whining cry,
But it's soothing, peaceful music when it reaches God on High.
A tiny cry did reach Him; an incomparably beauteous tone.
So sublime in all its notes, it drew God off His throne.
He thought, I must obtain this infant; its melodious cry so sweet,
He laid a hand upon this girl, whom He just had to meet.
Her voice rang out in bliss as she sang out for the Lord,
But those on earth begged heartily, "Please, not yet!" they implored.
But God was so enthralled by the sweet, soft childish tone.
He knew these folks would understand He needed this one for His own.
He took the box out once again. On earth the heartache hit.
But this babe now stood in front of God, the golden halo ~ a perfect fit!
On earth, the family cried and cried; tried to find a cause for blame.
Up in Heaven, God took the robe and draped it on her tiny frame.
And then God said, "Please turn around. There's just one item more."
And down on earth, in fitful prayer, dozens of knees just hit the floor.
God took the final item out. Again, an amazing hush ensued.
He put them on the infant. Down on earth they came unglued.
God looked upon His work and He beamed with joyous light,
"Come bless me with your presence. Just let go. Please don't fight."
With that the infant turned to see her pearly gleaming angel wings.
God said, "I knew they were for you alone. I love when Julia sings!"
On earth the sorrow flowed. In Heaven the choir rejoiced.
A brand new addition now leads them all with Julia's angelic voice!

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Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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