what I hide


what I hide

I read a poem just today. And it made me think of that day.The day I accepeted God into my life And I remember all his pain and strife. Now I have went astray.God forgive me is what I pray.What have I got to hide.I hide the lord cause of this worldly pride. I know relize as these tears form into my eyes.I dont need this worldly pride. My mother is now down on her knees beging the lord to watch over me.All I have done is make him bleed insted of them percing his side now its me.I pray to God save me. As I fall upon my knees. What have I got to hide? Nothing now I've swolled my pride. Joseph vinson

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Worthless commented on what I hide


well written...

kochab commented on what I hide


fairly well put together and thoughts were to the point. Good work joe

jacque2sweet commented on what I hide


Really made me think of how I live my life and what I need to do to feel God again. thanx



we all need a reminder sometimes

cliftondurant commented on what I hide


JOE i love it yes we need God in our life oh what joy it bring to our soul you be bless

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

joewv’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Untrained Love 3
A Friend 2
what I hide 4
These Feelings 3
Grandma 2
Life 1
Who am I ? 1
Life With You 0
God bless 9/11 0
Another Angel 0
Changes 0