Welcome To Hell


  • Dark

    Welcome To Hell

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    Welcome To Hell






    mmmmmmmm yeah baby

    Bells are ringin now

    and pain is put on hold till the next toke



    I wonder can they see me !



    I've got to quit this life I'm in

    I never get no sleep

    My teeth are brown and broken

    I make everyone around me weep


    I stole my mothers wedding ring

    and hocked it for some crack

    The three jobs that she's workin

    is breakin mommas back


    My tattered clothes don't fit me

    I'm no bigger than a stick

    My friends have up an left me

    It happened all so quick


    Right now I'm catatonic

    I cannot speak a word

    But tell me that I'm hooked on rock

    I'll tell you you're absurd !


    I walk with my head hung low

    I can't look in your eyes

    An even as I prepare another hit

    I know that I could die






    SHIT MAN!!!WTF !!

    I need a bigger one...that's all






    Yeah baby!..... that's what i'm talkin about


    where was I? Oh yeah …


    I used to have a good job

    But they started checkin piss

    They called me on the carpet

    from all the time I'd missed


    I lost my home two years ago

    I lost my pretty wife

    I lost my pride and dignity

    and soon I'll lose my life


    I live each day for chasin

    the dragon in this glass

    I ain't got time to shower

    That's why I smell like ass


    It used to be a weekend thing

    I did it just for kicks

    Then I woke one morning

    fully in its grip



    I think I'll quit tomorrow

    right now I need a bell

    The Devils voice is callin

    One more day in hell


    copyright 2009 Todd C All Rights Reserved


    Poem Comments


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    Rizz1 commented on Welcome To Hell


    very insightful, I can really feel what you are expressing. Good poem.

    am2anangel commented on Welcome To Hell


    great poem on not only the addiction,but also the struggle and over all loss not only affecting the user but others involved.

    JadedJezzabel commented on Welcome To Hell


    not fucking bad toddc.....you got some mad chops there dude....and shannon i adore your innocent mind baby girl... my hell was a hell on earth too. i was using actual hell as a metaphor for the hell of being hooked on meth or drugs in general...meth coke rock its all dope and addiction is a personal hell. good job toddc

    poett commented on Welcome To Hell


    wow good poem although I think is very sad... I can identify with it as someone I loved dearly went through a drug problem and yeah he also says he went through hell and back to us .... I enjoyed your poems here. I will go to myspace and read more sometime too....

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    ToddC’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    For Nothing Ever Stays 0
    Before You With Voice html 0
    Welcome To Hell 5
    Essence 1
    So I Close My Eyes 0