Web Of Thoughts


  • Emotional

    Web Of Thoughts

    I think deeply, I enter the cerebral cortex of my mind, and I search the data from my life time for anything I can find and write it all on paper and call it a close encounter of the fourth kind.

    I said I think deeply, so deep sometimes the words take me away and if you were looking for me you wouldn't even be able to see me. Sometimes my pen hits the paper and you can hear the floor boards creak, doors squeak im tellin you it's creepy.

    I think so deep that before you go to sleep I'll put thoughts on your mind causing you to weep keeping you up all night making you have to count sheep. I mean i can dive so deep into the heart tear your whole world apart and make you think that the price of love is to steep. Sometimes I dive so deep into your soul instead of praying to the father you'll be asking me for your soul to keep.

    I think deep like space nine you have to follow the signs to find me I leave bread crumbs in your mind just make sure you don't get caught up behind me.

    The deep valley of my thoughts is a tangled web, and if you're unable to comprehend or escape the words you've read you'll be forsaken to the spider and filled with dread, but consumed by deep thoughts of the mind instead.

    Poetry by
    Rodney C Rozier.

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    TCpoeboy commented on Web Of Thoughts


    That RoQ'd Hard. I hear n Ole G spit n! Your lyrical presence was portraited defiantly and the tyming was flawless. Great read!

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

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