We Set You Free


  • Suicide

    We Set You Free


    It was so hard for us to do

    But we needed to let you go

    We climbed up through the rocks

    Mom,sisters, brother and me

    In Joshua Tree National monument

    Indian Cove,

    One of your favorite places to be

    We found the spot

    One at a time we climbed to the top

    Each taking a handful of you

    The coyotes started to howl

    As we each set you free

    We watched you blow away into the breeze

    For now, we can only see you in our dreams...


    Another place, another day

    We all gathered together once again

    Lake Coeur d'Alene...another place you loved

    We hiked up Tubb's Hill determined

    We still had something we had to do

    Together we said a prayer for you

    Each of us holding your ashes in hand

    We scattered your body into the wind

    Lovingly we set you free...

    For now, we can only see you in our dreams...


    For you Brother...




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    Kary commented on We Set You Free


    Beautifully written and raw. I felt as though I was right there with you. So sorry for your loss. I know what it is like to lose a brother, as I lost mine to suicide. I know what it is like to scatter those ashes as well. I scattered my brothers in the Gulf of Mexico. We are all connected by nature.



    Thank you so much for commenting! You know how it feels for sure. It is so devastating to a family.

    bklynrizz commented on We Set You Free


    I'm sorry. I lost family and friends to suicide and was left wondering if I could have done more. Well written.



    Thats a hard one I know. We have had 3 suicides in our family. It's a mix of emotions

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    shannie76’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
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    Crazy weird 5
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    29 Palms 4
    I lost my smile... 13
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