Waiting room


  • Life

    Waiting room

     I've spent most of my middle school and high school years preparing for five minutes from now. As if I have been sitting in a navy blue chair, one sat on by hundreds before me, waiting patiently. Waiting for my name to finally be called from some imaginary list and allow me to take a breath, be a big girl, and walk out of the automatic doors. Leaving the stocked vending machines, the ringing of a loud school bell, and the feeling of being stuck. As if it never was, for my life is no longer a waiting room, but the feeling of the unknown, the pumping adrenaline that anything can happen. My life has always been a waiting room, but thinking about it now i've never really ever been one to wait. The sounds, lights, and people all scurry out side of those big automatic doors. The world outside all abundant. I see them but they don't scare me. If anything they excite me, draw me closer, make me realize this waiting room is not where I'm supposed to be. I no longer fit here, the mold is about to break, and my cacoon is about to break.  My blue chair has worn out, I'm getting antsy, and I keep watching. I see them and they don't scare me. The worlds outside those big automatic doors, I get up and without turning around to take in whats about to become my former world, I walk out of those big silver automatic doors. I exit the waiting room and I start my life.

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    redbloodink commented on Waiting room


    Led back to your waiting room cause I am in one today... but this message is just more confermation I'm fixing o be released from mine again.... In life there are many waiting rooms....... Be paitent through them all......... We have to be... For Jesus says so..... beautiful write.... ty for sharing.... red

    mistynites26 commented on Waiting room


    Interesting way of looking at the changes made from child to adult.....loved this read sweetie....very good

    redbloodink commented on Waiting room


    wow the joy's and pain of getting ready to leave school.... the big bad world awaits... it's not that big and bad if you don't let fear controll you..... Just go and labor and do it all out of love.... never feeling cheated and your life can be and will be blessed... filled with the same joy and happiness I feel now .... red

    knight4696 commented on Waiting room


    Very Deep ... We all have to pass thru the doors - Life is short and we must make the most of it while we're here ... The world is actually a small place - but we can make it Big for ourselves .. taking one step at a time. Great write!

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    chalkout91’s Poems (20)

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