  • Lost Love


    January 16, 2008

    I didn't think
    you could make
    me feel this way.
    All these feelings
    inside of me,
    and i don't know
    what to do with them.
    I don't want to kiss you for the sake of kissing you.
    I don't want to hug you for the sake of hugging you,
    I want to say i love you
    and mean it.
    I don't care what my friends say,
    I don't care what your friends say.
    I won't hurt you
    if you don't hurt me.
    I want us to be together always and forever.
    You can have as long as you need to think about it,
    2 minutes,
    2 months,
    but just know no matter how long it takes i will still love you.


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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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