

  • Love


    There is a boy,
    With honeycombs for eyes
    And strawberries for lips
    And warm blanket inside his mouth
    That beckons silly mermaids
    He has beautiful hands
    Impeccable fingers whose sole purpose
    Should be to caress delicate skin
    And when he smiles
    Oh, when he smiles
    There are waterfalls flowing
    And volcanoes erupting
    And sunshine beaming
    When he smiles the world is frozen
    Time stands still
    As the hands on the old clock
    This boy has secrets
    He whispers melodies so potent
    They break through iron walls
    Like a zeppelin in the sky
    His biggest secret
    Resides insides
    Beneath layers and facades
    Necessary to evade mediocrity
    This secret beats and sends vibrations
    It is a drum set
    It is a guitar solo
    It is in itself a wonder
    This secret, his heart, is captivating
    Mesmerizing and addictive
    So much that it makes you dance
    To the private beat of his secret music
    And as you dance you're flying
    Back to where it all began
    Back to the honeycombs and strawberries
    And in this moment
    You are happy

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    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Yeleezaveta’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Other Self 0
    Breathe me 1
    Symphonious Silence 0
    Enigmatic reluctance 0
    Happiness is a warm gun... 0
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