


Light danced across his body
from the alarm clock
in the corner
The silhouette more than visible

as I took it and nothing in

            at once

Strange how the more we grasp at memory

the more easily it trickles down our fingers

to mingle with bittersweet tears

Strange how often I lie

            about that time

            when I felt so alive and so full

            of earth sky and red strings—

                        empty now

                                    wondering if you felt it too

That pull of suchness

            That dragged me naked into an open field

I have to feel you were there

            clothed and pulling wild flowers

            throwing them at my feet and asking why

                        why I could demand more from you

Why I would need more than flowers

            even as they dried, pooled around

            locking me in place

                        afraid to touch reality

And find my way home

            and get dressed

                        and move

                                    reentering the places I had been

I slept standing

            and when I woke up, you were gone.

Trudging through the girt

            of decaying flowers and into a new field

                        is my greatest fear.

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lips_unlocked commented on Untitled


poem was really nice, ur way of presenting was good!!!

Swann commented on Untitled


You are a very skilled poet, As everyone else has already mentioned your imagery is amazing. I was able to picture everything you said.

CdeM commented on Untitled


a wandering soul places no appreciation in the delicate petals of a flower... They move insidiously throughout the weeds, choking beauty out where ever she might breathe.... Well written...



I'm glad you caught this idea, though not really surprised. By leaving she is doing as much damage as he did...or so I hoped to be the implication.

daydreamer23 commented on Untitled


wow...that was beautiful and the imagery was very powerful as well u have talent good job :)........

DirtyLilSecret commented on Untitled


This is a very good poem but it seems to end abruptly.. You work up so much emotion and you lead the reader on a ride and then it just drops off abruptly.. Its full of imagry and i can see what you want me to see, the only thing is i cant feel the emotion you were trying to convey.. The poem itself is wonderful and i love the imagry of it.. Your a good writer and i hope you keep writing!! i look foreward to read more from you!

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

danbi’s Poems (1)

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