Twas the Day Before Graduation


  • Life

    Poem Commentary

    this is an older piece I wrote 4 years ago, when I was in my senior year of High School. I hope you enjoy it.

    Twas the Day Before Graduation

    Twas the day befodre graduation; seniors wide awake,
    Dreaming of tomorrow and the big steps they would take.
    Their gowns and caps are a brilliant red,
    and caps will look so elegant upon their heads.
    Seniors will gather early the morning before,
    So they can go over the program once more.
    Everyone sits quietly and pays close attention,
    For today they can still get detention.
    Then practice is over, seniors are free to go,
    Warned beforehand that they must know
    To be here at school at a specific time
    So they won't lose their spot in line.
    Everybody goes their seperate ways,
     Once more going over the plans they have made.
    After the ceremony what will they do?
    How do you want people to remember you?
    The day will pass by in a blur,
    It's now time for the ceremony to occur.
    All the seniors are gathered in the gym,
    Waiting for the program to begin.
    Getting in groups of threes and fours,
    Taking a deep breath, marching out the door,
    Onto the field where family and friends wait,
    For them to, at last, graduate.
    A students stands up, gives a speech,
    And their words to the students' heart does reach.
    Every senior waiting patiently,
    For that magic moment to be.
    Then a song is sung, the tears start falling,
    Too soon, too soon the names they are calling.
    And everyone slowly marches up, row by row,
    This is the true highlight of the show.
    And when the last student sits down in their chair,
    All the caps are let loose, flying high in the air;
    Everyone is hugging fellow classmates,
    Forgetting feelings of sadness, jealousy or hate.
    Cameras are pulled ut and pictures taken,
    For this day is a memory in the making.
    And then it's all over, you have to go,
    Tears once again falling as you now know,
    This is the final time you will stand in this crowd,
    With the popular, the shy and the obnoxiously loud.
    So say your good-byes and give out hugs,
    Share your good feelings of understanding and love;
    For as you walk to your car
    You know that the distance will soon become far.
    So exchange phone numbers and email addresses,
    So you can write and share with others your successes.
    As the day closes, the sun sets,
    You go home and may finally rest.
    Reminiscing about the events of the day,
    Wondering what next year's seniors will say.
    Then close your eyes and let feelings go,
    Drifting off to your dreams that you comfortably know;
    Preparing for tomorrow as a new day,
    And continuing life in a brand new way.
    Tomorrow will be different and may not seem fun,
    for now, you're time in the "real world" has begun.
    This is what seniors dream as they lie in bed,
    All kinds of emotions running through their heads;
    Just remember your friends and family are there
    And they will always, and forever, care.
    Don't let your dreams slide just because you're scared
    Just relax, smile and you'll always be prepared.
    Look at life as a mission you want to complete,
    And stand steady upon both of your feet!

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    AlphaSmart commented on Twas the Day Before Graduation


    :-) Okay that was pretty good. Very awesomely captured the emotions and events of the big day, all that horrible aniticipation. Content-wise, way to go. Structure wise, I felt it was a bit lacking. It's so long and daunting. Shortening it, or at least breaking it up, may help. Also, the rhyme is good, but the flow is a little off. Syllable-wise, when you go to read it, it sort of halts at places. But overall, **** (four stars outta five)

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    BatchLee’s Poems (2)

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    Unpleasant Surprise 0
    Twas the Day Before Graduation 1