Tsk, tsk silly boo


Poem Commentary

You shouldn't break a girl's heart, you never know what she might do :)

Tsk, tsk silly boo

You walked in and walked right back out,
Leaving nothing behind,
Nothing but memories of a once happy time,
I burned all the pictures so why are you still on my mind?
The teddy bear you got for me,
Now all torn and tattered,
I cut it open with a knife,
And left in the trash newly battered,
The cologne I got you for your birthday,
Added fuel to the fire,
Tossed in the bottle too,
Leaving nothing but a burning desire,
To see you again,
Just once more,
See your silly smirking face,
Come through my door,
So I can deck you once,
Really really hard,
Kick you out,
Along with your rose and "im so sorry baby" card,
Oh what delightful things fill my head,
At the thought of seeing you again,
Don't turn your back to me,
Or I'll do with you as you did me and leave you in pain,
I'm not nice baby,
Remember saying that?
Well guess what boo,
I'm the one holding the baseball bat... :)
You walked in and walked right back out,
Leaving nothing behind,
Nothing but memories of a once happy time,
I burned all the pictures so why are you still on my mind?
The teddy bear you got for me,
Now all torn and tattered,
I cut it open with a knife,
And left in the trash newly battered,
The cologne I got you for your birthday,
Added fuel to the fire,
Tossed in the bottle too,
Leaving nothing but a burning desire,
To see you again,
Just once more,
See your silly smirking face,
Come through my door,
So I can deck you once,
Really really hard,
Kick you out,
Along with your rose and "im so sorry baby" card,
Oh what delightful things fill my head,
At the thought of seeing you again,
Don't turn your back to me,
Or I'll do with you as you did me and leave you in pain,
I'm not nice baby,
Remember saying that?
Well guess what boo,
I'm the one holding the baseball bat... :)

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Lunabella’s Poems (14)

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