

  • Confusion


    my tears fall down my face and i let them run
    i feel the pain but i cant open my moth and say something
    my dreams have become hunted but i will not wake up
    my day have become long and unbearable but i wont say stop
    i feel as if i keep my mind working and going maybe the thoughts will stop and then some times i think i deserve what i get
    one moment every thing could be good then the next my life is falling apart and i cant stop it no matter how much super glue i use.
    I'm the girl who doesn't cry only when needed to
    who know her heart is broken and will not take a personal day
    who cant walk away from love in a heart beet never looking back
    I'm the girl no one wants to be because i cant even give my self a brake
    i cant even sleep no more
    what happens to a person who stops eating and sleeping for 2 days and a week time

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