Trials and Tragedy


Trials and Tragedy

Trials and tragety 
Why you wanna marry me
I've done you nothing
but you hurt me repeatedly
You went from plan A all the way to plan z
you bring me agony
but i hate to admit defeat
December 2001 is when i got rubbed
2008 fraud on my credit card
Identiity theft was worst than that other time my back
Met with a thirty two.
At that moment,
I didn't know what i was gonna do
i just knew that i was screwed
It was either take a bullet then lose the wallet
or just give the wallet volunteerilary
"you know you would give the wallet to
dont even try to front with me"
i got bad experiences since the eighties
yeah i'm eighties baby
back then i got bit by a dog
they thought that i would've caught the rabies
I did something while i was in the Womb
And it going to follow me until i go into the tomb
They say through one man
Sin spread to all man
But why does it seem like i'm the only getting punished!
That i can't understand.
They say no matter how bad the situation is
it could always be worse
But seriously
what is worst than just living with this curse
Just finished paying off for my car
then someone stole it
had full comprehensive the month before
was slightly broke
so i removed it
filed my claim....
survey says:
"I do apologize but we cannot do anything about it"
every step i take
its always two steps backwards
Fresh pair of kicks i scuffed them
then i cleaned them
Put them outside to dry
and TWO crackheads stole them. 
Understand that i was born broke
brokenss seems to follow me!
I remember growin up
my we was so broke
we would of still dead broke and in debt even if we won the flippin lottery!
What am i supposed to be    
What am i supposed to do
I'm and tired of being the one that stuck with all the tragic blues
Sometime i just want to get down on my knees
And screem "i hate my life"
i love my life
No mattter how much tragety i face in life
i know i will get through it
Thats all folks for tonight
Hopefully someday my life will take flight
Hopefully tragedy will not find me in the air!!!


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am2anangel commented on Trials and Tragedy


Great write; sadly the cloud of doom tends to hover over some of us at times overly much and seems unfair. I totaly get this piece; it seems bad luck just likes to follow me around and laugh some You put this feeling into poetic form very well. Great job. Somedays all we can do is survive.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

cppoetry’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Trials and Tragedy 1
Hate this job 0
I want to write poems for you 3