To The American Soldier


  • Patriotic

    To The American Soldier

    As a citizen of this great nation, I have never stepped foot on the field of battle.

    I have not seen the blood of my brothers spilled by my side for the cost of freedom.

    I do not spend sleepless nights remembering the horrors of which war brings.

    I have not felt the sorrow of a son or daughter lost in the supreme sacrifice.


    From a revolution over two-hundred thirty years ago, to the deserts in the Middle East today,

    Our nation holds true a belief for every man, woman, and child no matter where in the world they may live.

    We keep in our hearts the truth that all men are created equal, and that no life is insignificant.

    And by the grace of God, all will one day be as the same, courteously given by The American Soldier.


    Leaving behind their loved ones to fight tyranny, oppression, slavery, terrorism, suffering, and genocide,

    These brave souls have fought for a country that believes in hope for a better future for all.

    As they head overseas, they wonder if they will ever again see the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Some never do, leaving behind only the cherished memory of their valued services to a grateful nation.


    The American Soldier is the true defender of freedom.

    They share a brotherhood unlike any civilian, making sure no man is left behind.

    That is the value of life; facing death to make sure that your brothers survives.

    Your loyalty is appreciated by the mothers and fathers of the soldiers who see their children again.


    The conflicts they have engaged in are beyond words, yet these soldiers are told that their fight is in vain.

    When we do not fight the wars, we open a door,

    For those who wish to one day destroy our rights and freedoms we take for granted.

    But the American Soldier stands tall with an important message for all people, “To each their own”.


    To the men and women who have served this prosperous nation, you are to be held in the highest honor.

    For the lives that have been lost, the memorials which bear your names will last until the final days.

    To those who have moved on from the military, I pray that our Heavenly Father protects you,

    And to those still serving on all four corners of the globe, Godspeed, and thank you.



    From the heart of an American citizen, to you,

    The American Soldier.



    © Steve Calabrese 2008


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