Tired of being a good girl


  • Anger

    Tired of being a good girl

    I am tired of being a good girl.
    I am tired of being a good friend to everyone.
    I am tired of guys only being my friends and nothing more.
    I don’t know who died and left everybody else in charge to make me feel like that if you are with me than it’s a crime.
    I am sick and tired of guys trying to talk to me just to get what they want.
    I am tired of people taking my kindness for weakness.
    I am tired of being alone.
    I am tired of being the girl next door.
    I am tired of looking in the mirror and hating what I see.
    I am tired of people judging me before they know me.
    I am tired of liking guys and they don’t like me back.
    I am tired of being tired.
    If I was a bad girl I would have the whole world in my hands.
    If I was a bad girl than all the guys would want me.
    If I was a bad girl people would think twice of messing with me.
    If I was a bad girl I would get what I want when I wanted it.
    If I was a bad girl when I look in the mirror I would be proud of what I see.
    I am tired of being everyone’s little sidekick.
    I am tired of looking at my friends being with their boyfriends while I have nobody.
    I am tired of walking in the darkness.
    I am tired of the world with its thinking on how people should look and act.
    I am tired of people not liking me for who I am.
    I am tried of people getting mad with me just because I speak my mind.
    I am tired of people looking over me just because I don’t do or act like them.
    I am tired of fearing loneliness and disappointment.
    I am tired of being a diamond in the rough and nobody there to see me shine.
    I am tired of being afraid to express myself.
    I am tired of being ashamed to let my voice be free.
    I am tried of all these things and more.
    I am tired of people not knowing what type of person that I am.
    I am tired of feeling like a lost soul searching for a place to call my own.
    I am tired of guys looking over me and not finding out how much love that I can give them.
    Today is a new day for me.
    All of the things that I am tired of, I have the power to fix it and nobody will able to stop me.

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    SavVySam commented on Tired of being a good girl


    Good for you! You have to believe that the wonderful person you are will be as evident to others as it is to those of us reading your poem. So let it shine...love yourself....and keep your heart open. Love will find you!

    MissMiaRose91 commented on Tired of being a good girl


    That sounds kinda like me. You are great! I hope that you find someone. I am pretty sure that you will find someone out there.

    Robb08 commented on Tired of being a good girl


    powerful words lil sis..continue to use them to inspire yourself and others!

    Scorpius commented on Tired of being a good girl


    (the last comment seems to have cut off-here is the rest in case) Smoke so keep your head held high young sister so that you ensure the last joke is on them.

    Scorpius commented on Tired of being a good girl


    Confusion often comes when the soul has become weak. From the sound of your words, it is joy that you seek. Crossing the line between new recruit and soldier is one that gets easier as one continues to grow older. I beg of you, hold stead fast to the light that deep within your soul and fear not of the world instead grasp hold to the bold ideas and imagery that press you forward through the fight that when it's all over you'll progress through the night. Joy comes in the morning and darkness is

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    Firestar’s Poems (2)

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