

  • Other


    Always following the two arms
    Going round n round
    always spinnin sometimes makin a sound
    A sound that everyone doesn't want to hear
    but fears
    because one more hour had dissappeared..

    from life

    Everyone spends a moment of the day
    doing something they love
    or figuring out wut to say
    to loved ones or someone being loved along the way

    time captures those moments
    and freezes it in our head
    lettin it replay
    making frowns or smiles
    thats wut we call memories today


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    DeepEclipse commented on Time


    Time. That silent consistency. Reading this was like looking down on life from a higher viewpoint, seeing the everyday that we live through. Sometimes we become so unaware of the bigger things. Nice poem.

    alexajean97 commented on Time


    That was amazing.......well keep writing and live your life to the max

    simplyfantasic commented on Time


    this poem definitely wraps up life in a nutshell never enough time.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    khulama’s Poems (4)

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    Time 3
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