This Pain


This Pain

I wake with this pain

It is strong enough to eat through me

Yet I feel at peace with it

For without it I am affraid to live.

For as long as I can remember it has been there

And without it I might be lost.

It has made me who I am today

And influences the decisions I make

Though it my seem strange I love this pain more than anything

Because of this pain I am a great mother

Because of this pain I am strong

And because of this pain everyone knows you are wrong

I use to pray for this pain to go away

Now I know without it there would be no you

For now I know that it's not just a pain

It is the Journey you have put me through

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justastar2 commented on This Pain


You seem to be handling your pain well, writing always helps. This poem has good imagery and flows well throughout. You have cute kids and seem to be a very good person and mother. Best of luck and thanks for sharing.

optimistic commented on This Pain


Pain can always eat away at human life yet it is great that you handle your pain in a diffierent manner I love the flow of this poem it kept me reading.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

marinewife06’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Grandparent- so called 0
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This Pain 2