

  • Love


    As I am now alone,I lie awake to think;To think about the reasons why I fall in love with all the wrong guys.Why I keep falling,Sinking.I cant help but keep wishing;Wishing that I could find the one and never have to be alone.So as I lie awake thinking I will say that "I wont give up and will be searching for the one that I could love."

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    BigDaddyCash commented on Thinking


    Hmmm, thinking, that's dangerous! I don't know why so many young lovers get lost in the quest for life. Is it because they don't give enough of themselves to lay a strong foundation to build their castle of dreams or is it because they take more than they give. If you feel that what you give is what you get and you really believe that to be true then you should give all that you’ve got and then some. If you want the great rewards life has to offer then bond your relationship with the strongest adhesive. Treat love like you would a rose garden, use the most fertile soil, cultivate and nurture it and water it with sweat and tears. I started to write you compliment for your poetic arrangement of words but the writer in me took control of my keyboard and when that happens all I can do is let the words flow. My fingers took over and printed out more than I intended to give and my comment turned into a synopsis for your talented poetic endeavor. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. LOL, BDC

    Chaos128 commented on Thinking


    Poignant words, H. Hopes and dreams always have, and always will be part of the human condition, but I’ll let you in on a secret; don’t hope and/or dream that you’ll find the right guy for you… know it. Expect it the same way you expect tomorrow. Hopes and dreams engender possibilities. Awareness engenders actuality. Good technique… keep it up!

    inkmaster commented on Thinking


    A nice poem ...You will find the right one......remember keep writting ....Glad to be your first comment................inkmaster

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

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    HerAngel15’s Poems (2)

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    Delight 1
    Thinking 3