The Web


The Web

There is a wood not far from me.

I live in an isolated ended view of the sea.

Through the wood I would travel

To see a nightmare unravel.


At the end of the journey always lies a home

of curiousness being alone.

I often would sit with ale and whey

watching the strangers that would stay.


Visiting the house on the edge of reality.

The sweetest of ladies

Stood and hid,

her hair of fire, upon the waist of mid.


Often seeking a closer view,

as many entered and only left a few.

I wondered and pondered in my mind deep,

often at night under the stars to sleep.


Lest I miss the comings and goings of this maiden fair,

with blood red flaming hair.

Her skin of ivory coast,

bosom of a pleasant host.



As Bella donna surrounded her garden,

morning glories to welcome the dawn.

Animals came and went,

as did many a pawn.


Days would linger to her sent,

I introduced myself;




As the seasons passed,

flakes fell upon the ground.

From the direction of wood,

was no sound.


I went to call one day,

only to find she was away.


My heart sank as I longed to see the fire in the sky,

she had captured my heart on the sly.

Springs came to grace the land,

I awoke to find honey and jam,

upon my door seal,

to add to my sparse meal.


As the honey bees come

swarming tree to tree.

She and I became friendly.


With mask hidden the walls came down,

she was a Queen with out a crown.

I was a rogue,

rough and true.


She amused me as we ran by the sea,

there was magick about her.

She made me free.


I cried to the heavens

my time was to come.

I wanted to stay and make her

my one.


The summer was once again,

at an end.

As I watched the many come and go.

I often wondered of her tow.


That made her flee

to isolation of the tree.


Before the leaves fell

Ice of hell

to rise,

she caught me in her eyes.


With a hidden gleam in her eye,

she beckoned me to come inside.


Her porcine skin;

contrast to the ruby lips,

my heart melted as we

shared an exquisite kiss.


That drew my heart and sword neigh,

her hand brushed upon my thigh.

The soft lips upon my neck,

cause my heart to double check,

the manual

on how to run.


Oh and how my head spun.


Standing back as the door slammed.

I knew then what I now understand.


Her web caught me as I watched

she gave to me what I sought.

As I had lost sight of my point,

she stole my soul,

I got caught.


The tangled web,

she became.

My need,

my passion,

my claim.


Her breath like mist upon the sea,

intoxicating as she

devoured me.


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Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Aingealicia’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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The Web 3
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