The Water Of Fear


  • Religion

    Poem Commentary

    We've all experienced the "waters of fear" in our lives at one time or another, but we only need to remember that no matter how difficult or dark the situation that we face, we do not face it alone. Christ is alive, He is real, and only a whisper away!

    The Water Of Fear

    Lighting flashed across the rain filled sky...
    disturbing the sea, as it rose up in large engulfing waves.
    We all thought that we would surely die...
    forever lost beneath cold watery graves!

    Our little boat was taking all she couild take...
    but being of wood, a matter of time before she would break!
    The waters of fear were flooding our soul...
    our backs bent and straining, storm taking its toil!

    Then out of the dark, we heard His voice cry...
    " Be not afraid, it is I !"
    Peter called " Lord, if it is you...
    bid me step from the boat and walk as you do ! "

    At Christs' command Peter stepped upon the sea...
    walked toward Christ, confident as could be.
    Then the water of fear filled Peters' heart too...
    and his feet began to sink right through!

    " Save me Lord ! " through the wind we heard Peters' plea...
    and the Lord pulled him up above the tumultuous sea!
    " Oh, you of little faith ! " the Lord to him exclaimed...
    for Peter would have made it if he'd continued as he'd first came.

    Then into the boat with our Lord we wre all gathered in...
    And Jesus spoke calm to the storm and its wind!

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    SavVySam commented on The Water Of Fear


    This is a beautifully skillful poem of faith! Thank you for the inspirational work!

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    beth’s Poems (1)

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    Title Comments
    The Water Of Fear 1