The reason I'm leaving...dont feed the trolls


  • Angst

    The reason I'm leaving...dont feed the trolls

    I've been a member since the beginning...
    Entered the contests and did dream of winning...
    That could of been the worst thing to happen....
    Cuz with all of that praise some one was not clappin...

    Thought he was banned from this sacred place...
    But i knew who he was without seeing his face...
    I had of my hands a real cyber stalker...
    In his mind I was a low life street walker...

    So again I had to deal with this creep...
    Tried to ignore him but I guess I'm a sheep...
    We argued and fought but no battle was won...
    Then he posted that he was just having fun...

    This place was a place I could just be myself...
    Where I didn't have to hide my feelings up on a shelf....
    He took it and twisted it into some kind of hell...
    And so I retreated back into my shell....

    There will be no winner not now and not ever...
    If I had it to do over I'd of just said whatever...
    Feeding the trolls here can lead to disaster...
    Just believe in yourself and be your own master...

    its all yours studly111 feldmarshall cueella or whoever the fuck you are pretending to be today.


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    TREVON commented on The reason I'm leaving...dont feed the trolls


    Never let anyone rob you of the freedom that writing allows so many of us. I think poets are special and wonderfully different people with the universe as the limits of their mind. I hope you continue to sore!!

    crhymethinc commented on The reason I'm leaving...dont feed the trolls


    Man, what a slam! You do have a way with words though. I've not had a problem on here, although I don't log on very often. Anyway, I have enjoyed reading your poetry. If not here, I hope you keep it up somewhere.

    Chi commented on The reason I'm leaving...dont feed the trolls


    Ya! I started on this site in 2007 and all the other good poets that where here then left, becuase it was bullies who could not write as well that seem to take it out on the better writers, some of the bullies even stole them ideas from the better writers trying to copy cat but where very inferior since their skills where weak by nature , if you ant got it then pick on the ones who do, thats the only way they can get attention. most of these people are want to be poets that are mad cause they cant get the full hang of things, and anger is what happens when they cant compete. real poets with confidence dont have time to bully, they are too busy creating .thats the difference between a real poet and a want to be poet.

    VaZFynest commented on The reason I'm leaving...dont feed the trolls


    that's some bs.....somebody trippin'! do you girl....f da h8rs! so sad.................wish sum1 wud try me...............hhmmph.......sad it was you.................what a coward....and a sicko

    stephenmichael commented on The reason I'm leaving...dont feed the trolls


    He is a drunk stupid asshole...He is worthless and full of shit my Friend...If he died today people would laugh! I would! You get a 10 from me...Thank you for being such a long time friend...




    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    JadedJezzabel’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    One Step (prose) 2
    The reason I'm leaving...don
    t feed the trolls
    OMG I WON 23